Network Security

This training course provides lectures and hands-on Labs allowing trainers to gain comprehensive practical experience. It includes the following topics:
1. Information and Network Security Principles
2. Communication Network Architecture
3. Threats to Communication Networks
4. Network Monitoring and Security Assessment
5. System and Server Hardening
6. Secure Communication and Data Transfer
7. Secure Network Architecture (VPN and IPSec)
8. Wireless Security Practices

This training course provides lectures and hands-on Labs allowing trainers to gain comprehensive practical experience. It includes the following topics:
1. Information and Network Security Principles
2. Communication Network Architecture
3. Threats to Communication Networks
4. Network Monitoring and Security Assessment
5. System and Server Hardening
6. Secure Communication and Data Transfer
7. Secure Network Architecture (VPN and IPSec)
8. Wireless Security Practices

Timing Location Price Student Price Online Price Trainer Registeration Status Feedback
مسائية من الساعة 4 عصراً وحتى الساعة 9 مساءاً مركز التميز لأمن المعلومات - كلمة علوم الحاسب - جامعة الملك سعود 1495.00 695.00 495.00 D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab Registeration is closed Feedback is closed
مسائية بتاريخ 21-10-2018 الى تاريخ 25-10-2018 فندق الفهد كروان 1995.00 995.00 995.00 D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab Registeration is closed Feedback is closed
مسائية بتاريخ 04-11-2018 الى تاريخ 08-11-2018 فندق الفهد كروان 1995.00 995.00 995.00 D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab Registeration is closed Feedback is closed
Speaker Language Arabic
Content Language Englsih
Target Users 1. مسؤولي و مشغلي أنظمة الشبكات. 2. مختصي تقنية المعلومات. 3. مدققي أمن المعلومات. 4. الفنيين المهتمين بأمن المعلومات. 5. مستخدمي أنظمة الشبكات.
Duration 5 Days

الالمام العام بأساسيات عمل الشبكات و بروتوكولات TCP / IP.

  • D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab
    5.00 out of 5

  • D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab
    5.00 out of 5

  • D\ Abdelouahid Ahmed Derhab
    5.00 out of 5